Callingwood North, Edmonton, Alberta Real Estate and Homes for Sale
Small apartment buildings are the predominant housing type, representing roughly half of buildings in Callingwood North, while the rest are mainly large apartment buildings, single detached homes, and townhouses. Around 45% of properties in this area were constructed in the 1960s and 1970s, while most of the remaining buildings were constructed in the 1980s and the 1990s. This neighbourhood is primarily composed of one bedroom and two bedroom homes. About 60% of the population of this neighbourhood rent their home while owners make up the remainder. Read more about Callingwood North real estate
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Most houses for sale in this area are located in places that are quite well-suited for those who travel by foot; many daily errands can be run without needing to use a vehicle. This area is also reasonably bicycling-friendly as there are a limited number of slopes, and this area features an excellent cycling infrastructure. Commuting by public transit is sometimes challenging in Callingwood North. Nevertheless, there are a few bus lines crossing the neighbourhood, and bus stops are typically nearby. On the other hand, the preferred method of transportation in Callingwood North is very often a car. It is a short car ride to the closest highway from any location in this area, and parking is easy.
Property owners in Callingwood North will welcome that a grocery store is always only a rather short walk away. Additionally, this part of Edmonton is a good place in which to go out to eat. In terms of education, in Callingwood North, parents and their kids will generally be able to reach schools and daycares on foot.
Callingwood North offers a calm atmosphere and will appeal to home buyers who enjoy spending time in green spaces. This area is quiet, as there are low levels of noise from traffic. Lastly, there are a few green spaces nearby for residents to check out, including Callingwood Park, and they are very well-situated, which makes it very easy to get to them from the majority of locations within the neighbourhood.