Grandview Heights, Edmonton, Alberta Real Estate and Homes for Sale
Roughly 95% of the population of this neighbourhood own their home whereas renters make up the remainder. In this area, the overwhelming majority of dwellings are single detached homes, and the rest of the properties are mainly small apartment buildings. Most housing in this part of Edmonton was constructed in the 1960s and 1970s, during its most significant construction boom. This part of the city is primarily composed of three bedroom and four or more bedroom homes. Read more about Grandview Heights real estate
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Carriage Trade
Getting around by car is especially convenient in Grandview Heights. The majority of real estate listings are a rather short drive from the nearest highway, and finding a place to park is easy. In contrast, public transit users may experience few options in Grandview Heights as a result of the infrequent service. Nonetheless, the neighbourhood is linked by a few bus lines, and the closest bus stop is generally just around the corner. Walking is not very convenient for residents in Grandview Heights as few common errands can be run without the use of a car. However, bicycling is easy in Grandview Heights since there are a fair number of bike lanes.
A vehicle is almost always needed in Grandview Heights to reach the closest supermarket. Nonetheless, pharmacies are typically very easy to access on foot and sell some staple foods. In terms of education, parents and their children will value that no matter where their home is situated in this neighbourhood, primary schools are nearby. On the other hand, there are no high schools in this part of the city.
Grandview Heights is an excellent neighbourhood to buy a house in for those who prefer a slower-paced atmosphere. This area is very quiet, as the streets are especially peaceful. Lastly, the majority of locations in the neighbourhood have fairly good access to public green spaces, such as Whitemud Park, since there are a few of them nearby for residents to relax in.