Fulton Heights, Fredericton, New Brunswick Real Estate and Homes for Sale
Around 80% of the population of this neighbourhood own their home and renters make up the remainder. The substantial percentage of single detached homes in the housing stock of this area is an important part of its character. About 45% of properties in this neighbourhood were built in the 1960s and 1970s, while most of the remaining buildings were constructed pre-1960 and in the 1980s. This area offers mainly three bedroom and four or more bedroom homes. Read more about Fulton Heights real estate
Fulton Heights is car friendly. Coming across a parking spot is quite easy. Fulton Heights is not particularly well-suited for walking since running common errands is occasionally difficult.
A supermarket is usually reachable within a rather short walk from any home in Fulton Heights. Residents can enjoy a few cafes as well. As far as education is concerned, it is a rather short walk to access schools and daycares from most homes for sale in Fulton Heights.
The character of Fulton Heights is exemplified by its calm atmosphere. This part of the city is especially quiet, as there are generally low levels of noise from traffic. Finally, there are a few parks close by for residents to check out and they are very well-situated, making them easy to access.