Fifty Point, Hamilton, Ontario Real Estate and Homes for Sale
Roughly 95% of the properties in the neighbourhood are occupied by homeowners and 5% are rented. In this area, around 85% of dwellings are single detached homes, while townhouses make up most of the remaining housing stock. Most housing in this neighbourhood was constructed after the year 2000, during its largest building boom. This part of the city is primarily composed of three bedroom and four or more bedroom homes. Read more about Fifty Point real estate
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Fifty Point is especially car friendly. Parking is quite easy, and the majority of houses for sale are a short drive from the closest highway, such as Queen Elizabeth Way. It is difficult for people travelling on foot to get around in this neighbourhood because running daily errands is impractical. The bike is a rather limited means of transportation in Fifty Point since the bicycling network is quite bad, and there are a good number of slopes.
Daycares are easy to get to on foot from anywhere in this part of the city. On the other hand, there are no primary schools and no high schools in this area. In terms of eating, a supermarket is usually reachable within a rather short walk from most properties for sale in this part of the city. There are also a few choices for those who value restaurants in close proximity.
Fifty Point is reasonably quiet, as noise from the streets and other parts of the city is rarely an issue - although there are still several noisier areas, especially around Queen Elizabeth Way. Parks aren't well-spread out, making them sometimes hard to get to. Still, there are a few public green spaces nearby for residents to check out.