CFB Kingston, Kingston, Ontario Real Estate and Homes for Sale
About 60% of the population of this neighbourhood own their home whereas the rest are renters. In this part of Kingston, most dwellings are single detached homes, and the remaining properties are mainly townhouses. Most housing in this neighbourhood was constructed pre-1960, during its biggest construction boom. This part of the city also has quite a good variety of unit sizes - there is a higher proportion of three bedroom homes in this area. Read more about CFB Kingston real estate
Getting around by car is straightforward in CFB Kingston. Parking is generally easy. On the other hand, CFB Kingston is not very transit friendly. Nonetheless, house owners have access to a few bus lines, and the nearest bus stop is usually very close. It is difficult for people travelling on foot to navigate CFB Kingston since running common errands is inconvenient by walking.
There are no high schools and no primary schools in this area. Furthermore, there are only a very small number of daycares and thus they can be a very long walk away. Concerning eating, a car is generally needed in CFB Kingston to reach the closest grocery store. There are also a few opportunities for those who value close by restaurants and cafes.
The character of CFB Kingston is exemplified by its calm atmosphere. The noise levels in this neighbourhood are very low, as the streets are generally very tranquil. Lastly, there are a few green spaces nearby for residents to unwind in and they are very well-spread out, which results in them being easy to reach from many locations in this part of the city.