Joyceville / Brewers Mills, Kingston, Ontario Real Estate and Homes for Sale
The predominant housing types in Joyceville - Brewers Mills are single detached homes and townhouses. There is a higher proportion of three bedroom homes in this area. Roughly 90% of the dwellings in the neighbourhood are occupied by homeowners and 10% are rented. Around one third of homes in this neighbourhood were constructed in the 1960s and 1970s, while the majority of the remaining buildings were built pre-1960 and in the 1980s. Read more about Joyceville / Brewers Mills real estate
Driving is a great transportation option in this part of Kingston. It is very convenient to come across a place to park. Many of the houses for sale in this neighbourhood are located in areas that are not very conducive to walking because almost no daily errands can be run without having to resort to a vehicle.
It is very rarely possible for home buyers in Joyceville - Brewers Mills to do their groceries by walking. With regards to education, families may find it very difficult to get to high schools and primary schools as pedestrians.
Joyceville - Brewers Mills is good for those who like quiet surroundings, as the streets are quite calm. Green spaces aren't well-located, which makes them very difficult to get to. Despite that, there are a few parks close by for residents to discover.