Hunt Club Park, Ottawa, Ontario Real Estate and Homes for Sale
The predominant housing types in Hunt Club Park are single detached homes and row houses. A majority of the housing growth in this neighbourhood happened between 1980 and 1990. This area offers mainly four or more bedroom and three bedroom homes. Around 70% of the population of this neighbourhood own their home and 30% are renters. Read more about Hunt Club Park real estate
Open House
Regardless of the medium of transportation, it is quite straightforward to travel in Hunt Club Park. This neighbourhood is reasonably transit friendly thanks to many nearby rapid transit stations with access to the 98 |, and a few nearby bus lines. Walking is not particularly practical for residents in Hunt Club Park because very few daily needs can be met on foot. It is easy to commute by bicycle in Hunt Club Park since there are few elevation changes to confront cyclists, and the cycling infrastructure is great. This neighbourhood is also a very good part of Ottawa for travelling by car. Nearby highways are reasonably easy to access from anywhere in Hunt Club Park, and it is easy to park.
It is a short walk to access primary schools from most houses for sale in this part of Ottawa. On the other hand, there are no high schools in this part of the city. With regards to eating, home buyers in this neighbourhood will welcome that a grocery store is always only a rather short walk away. There are also a few restaurants in this area.
Hunt Club Park offers a relaxed environment and will appeal to those who enjoy spending time in green spaces. This area is very quiet overall, as the streets are very calm. Finally, a lot of locations within the neighbourhood have good access to green spaces, including Elizabeth Manley Park, since there are a few of them nearby for residents to explore.