Investment Properties for Sale in Gatineau, QC
Approximately 30% of the properties in Gatineau were built between 1960 and 1980. The rest of the buildings were primarily constructed before 1960 and during the 1980s. In Gatineau, around 40% of the housing consists of single detached homes, while small apartment buildings and townhouses are fairly common as well. About 60% of residents are homeowners, with the remaining 40% renting their homes. The city’s housing offers a good range of unit sizes, from lofts to homes with four or more bedrooms.
- Advertising
- $599,900829 - 833 Rue GeorgesGatineau (Buckingham), QC
- $499,000 +GST/QST103z Rue De Pointe-GatineauGatineau (Gatineau), QC
- $574,900378 Rue Des Hauts-BoisGatineau (Masson-Ange ..., QC
- $795,00033 - 35 Rue LeducGatineau (Hull), QC
- $1,100,000350 Rue LavioletteGatineau (Gatineau), QC
- $424,99981 - 83 Rue BouladierGatineau (Buckingham), QC
- $1,388,0001035z Rue Jacques-CartierGatineau (Gatineau), QC
- $1,285,0005 Rue Ste-UrsuleGatineau (Hull), QC
- $699,900329 - 331 Rue LavioletteGatineau (Gatineau), QC
- $874,90072 Rue VaudreuilGatineau (Hull), QC
- $449,00039 Rue LabelleGatineau (Hull), QC
- $499,00046 Rue NicoletGatineau (Hull), QC
- $1,250,000 +GST/QST172z Rue EddyGatineau (Hull), QC
- $699,900 +GST/QST373 Rue Notre-DameGatineau (Gatineau), QC
- $874,9005 Rue BruyèreGatineau (Gatineau), QC
- $675,00047 Rue LemieuxGatineau (Hull), QC
- $490,00011 Rue LambertGatineau (Hull), QC
- $949,50043 Rue Nilphas-RicherGatineau (Gatineau), QC