Gordie Howe Management Area, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Real Estate and Homes for Sale
Roughly 60% of the population of this neighbourhood rent their home and owners make up the remainder. The predominance of small apartment buildings in the housing stock of this neighbourhood is an important part of its character. Roughly one third of properties in this area were built pre-1960, while many of the remaining buildings were built in the 1960s and the 1980s. This neighbourhood is primarily composed of three bedroom and two bedroom homes. Read more about Gordie Howe Management Area real estate
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The best approach to move around in this neighbourhood is very often driving. Coming across a parking spot is easy. In contrast, public transit riders may find limited options in Gordie Howe Management Area due to the low service level. Thankfully, residents are served by a few bus lines, and the nearest bus stop is typically close by. A majority of the houses for sale in this part of Saskatoon are located in places that are not very well-suited for those who travel by foot because few daily errands can be run without the use of a vehicle.
Gordie Howe Management Area does not have any high schools or primary schools. Moreover, families may find it very difficult for their children to reach daycares as a pedestrian. In terms of eating, some, but not all, home buyers in Gordie Howe Management Area will live within walking distance of the nearest supermarket.
The character of Gordie Howe Management Area is exemplified by its calm atmosphere. Public green spaces are very well-situated and there are a few of them close by for residents to relax in, which results in them being very easy to get to from a large number of locations in this part of the city. This neighbourhood is also reasonably good for those who need a quiet atmosphere, as there are low levels of noise from traffic.